
Showing posts from April, 2021

Looking a Little More Fluffy

  My absolute favorite Barrett look is when he gets all fluffy. Living in Florida, the fluff gets hot for him so I don't let him stay fluffy for long, but damn if he isn't the snuggliest little dude ever when his hair gets all long! However, I don't like me as much when I get all fluffy. It's not nearly as cute to see or snuggle up to I'm sure! 😅 To be transparent, I want to talk about the successes AND the struggles as I power through this weight loss and healthy lifestyle journey I'm on. Right now, I am driving the struggle bus a bit.  Really, the number on the scale is not everything and I now know that. In the past, I have focused so much on that little digital number and would get super discouraged if I saw fluctuation, especially if it was headed in an upward direction. But losing weight is so much more than that. It's about the way you feel, the confidence you have in the way you look and yourself in general, but more importantly, maintaining a susta