
Showing posts from January, 2021

Getting Started

  I might be a little biased, but I have the cutest fitness fluff around. Everyone deserves the same amount of support that my dog gives me. Who wouldn't want to push harder when you have a squeaky Chewbacca being chewed in your ear?  But let's back up. Working out and fitness has never been my thing. The only fitness I could refer to would be how many donuts could I fitness big mouth of mine to be completely honest. I have never been in a shape other than round throughout my entire life.  My weight has yo-yo'd back and forth. I've tried a few different things to make this weight fall off, but nothing has ever stuck with me. Recently, I began playing a game of medication roulette: blood pressure medication, metformin for my PCOS all on top of anxiety medication. At 28 years old, this is not the most idealistic situation to put myself in. Who and what is to blame? Is it genetics? Sure, maybe part of it. Is it the steroids in chicken nuggets that I ate as a child? Probab

What the FLUFF?!

"You know how there's some fat people that are mean and they don't play with you? Well, you're not like that. You're FUN fat!"  -7 year old little boy, circa 2008. FUN FAT. The quote you see above was taken from a little boy for that I used to babysit back when I was in high school. He was super excited that day because it was the first day that we got to swim in the new in-ground pool that was dug that summer and he couldn't wait for his "fun-fat" babysitter to let him finally go outside. Oh words straight from the mouths of babes... For years, I have thought back to this genuinely sincere and innocent comment he made that day. It's one of my favorite stories to tell because it's just so comical to think of fun fat as a compliment. But really, I couldn't think of a better way to sum up my life over the past 28 years than with those two words. My name is Taylor. I am fluffy, sometimes funny, always obsessed with my four-legged fluff (