
Showing posts from February, 2021

Progress Update with a Side of Cheesecake

(February 8, 2020 - February 6, 2021) The blog really is my new best friend. I'm sitting here eating a piece of cheesecake while writing this. No joke. It's dad's birthday and at one point in my life, I would feel guilty eating something so sweet while dieting. Oh what a sin that would be! But I'm not dieting. It's a lifestyle change. If I want a piece of cheesecake, I'll eat the damn piece of cheesecake! But I'll compensate for the it by eating intentionally during the rest of the day (which is exactly what I did.) For those of you that have been following my weight loss journey, I started out posting updates on Facebook and Instagram. Sure, I still share those moments on there but I try to keep them short now to spare those that would rather scroll past my 8 paragraph-long posts. My long-winded posts are here now and like this blog, I'm glad you're here, too!  Today's post is just a progress update over the past seven months, focused in on the

Shifting Your Direction

  Self-care.  It's honestly confusing. I know I have been all about posting how much exercising and eating better has changed my way of thinking and overall mindset lately. These things have truly added so many positives to my life: I feel better and have more energy, I am able to make better choices about what I need to fuel my body, and I am able to feel a sense of pride that I've never felt before knowing that I am trying to make a lifestyle change. But that does not mean that every day I want to do a workout or ride my bike. That does not mean that I want to say no to what used to be my go-to comfort food on a bad day. It definitely does not mean that I am happy with the way that I look when I see myself, no matter how much weight I've lost.  IT. IS. A. STRUGGLE. January of 2021 has already brought in unwanted change in my life across so many areas and it's only month 1 of 12. (WTF - how is it already February?) In the last two weeks specifically, I have struggled