Shifting Your Direction



It's honestly confusing. I know I have been all about posting how much exercising and eating better has changed my way of thinking and overall mindset lately. These things have truly added so many positives to my life: I feel better and have more energy, I am able to make better choices about what I need to fuel my body, and I am able to feel a sense of pride that I've never felt before knowing that I am trying to make a lifestyle change. But that does not mean that every day I want to do a workout or ride my bike. That does not mean that I want to say no to what used to be my go-to comfort food on a bad day. It definitely does not mean that I am happy with the way that I look when I see myself, no matter how much weight I've lost. 


January of 2021 has already brought in unwanted change in my life across so many areas and it's only month 1 of 12. (WTF - how is it already February?) In the last two weeks specifically, I have struggled to have the mental capacity needed to get through workouts, conversations with people, and even the simplest of tasks around my house. I find myself getting super irritable and upset frequently. For a lot of you, this probably isn't surprising because let's be real, my mood and temper are SUPER fun. The worst part about it for me, though, is the lack of control that I feel like I have. When I have things on my mind, especially negative things, I try to add more to my plate. The more I add, the less time to think, right? Wrong. Now I'm sitting here, overwhelmed and stressed to the point that I don't even want to do anything. Don't get me wrong, I am so thankful for the opportunity to have a job, to be in the middle of grad school, to have a house to come home to (and neglect to clean very well.) I am blessed to have my changing health and the health of those in my life that mean the most. But I have my days, like everyone, when I'm just frustrated, want to pull the covers over my head, and stay in bed for three days straight, ya know?

But guess what? It all somehow falls together. I honestly have no clue how, but with some magic, hard-work and a few tears, it does. I came across this quote on Pinterest the other day and it just resonated with me. I'll link it here and post it below.

It's so easy to fall into the trap of not taking care of yourself. I have for the last 28 years of my life. As my 29th birthday quickly approaches (9 days away!!), I'm choosing to direct my attention to what I CAN control instead of focusing on what I cannot and letting it consume me. I'm forcing myself to exercise at least 30 minutes a day 5-6 days a week, even when I'd rather sleep in. I am choosing to keep my diet in control, but know I am not restricted. I want to stay optimistic when I know I could easily just be pissed and stay pissed. YOU SHOULD TRY IT, TOO! It's a new month, which means we have new opportunities for growth and positive change. Choose to show yourself grace when life feels rough and surround yourself with the ones who love and support you. Just know you're not in this alone. Shift that direction towards only the things that will bring you peace and joy. 

Happy February loves. 💋


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