
Showing posts from March, 2021

9 Week Control Freak Results

  9 Weeks.  45 Workouts. Consistency and just freaking trying, especially on the days where I don't want to. I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT THESE RESULTS, Y'ALL! Slowly and steadily, I am seeing the results that I've been working for. I've celebrated birthdays, transitioned between different work positions, and have struggled with bouts of stress and anxiety from life curveballs that are beyond my control in just a few short weeks. However, I didn't use food as a crutch like I would in the past and chose to deal with that stress/anxiety by consistently working out in the comfort of my house. Every day was not perfect with my nutrition or in a workout, but I refused to let myself fall completely off track. Photos on the left (grey sports bra) were taken on January 3, 2021 after a LONG 15 hour car ride back from Tennessee. Photos on the right (black sports bra) were taken yesterday, March 6, 2021, as I finished up my last workout for  9 Week Control Freak.   Starting Weight (1