9 Week Control Freak Results


9 Weeks. 

45 Workouts.

Consistency and just freaking trying, especially on the days where I don't want to.


Slowly and steadily, I am seeing the results that I've been working for. I've celebrated birthdays, transitioned between different work positions, and have struggled with bouts of stress and anxiety from life curveballs that are beyond my control in just a few short weeks. However, I didn't use food as a crutch like I would in the past and chose to deal with that stress/anxiety by consistently working out in the comfort of my house. Every day was not perfect with my nutrition or in a workout, but I refused to let myself fall completely off track.

Photos on the left (grey sports bra) were taken on January 3, 2021 after a LONG 15 hour car ride back from Tennessee. Photos on the right (black sports bra) were taken yesterday, March 6, 2021, as I finished up my last workout for 9 Week Control Freak. 

Starting Weight (1/4/21): 302.4 lbs   

Program End Weight (3/6/21): 284.2

Total Weight Loss in 9WCF: -18.2 lbs

9WCF Program Start (Inches)
Chest: 49
Left Arm: 17 
Right Arm: 18
Waist: 44
Hips: 58
Left Thigh: 30
Right Thigh: 31.5
TOTAL: 247.5

9WCF Program End (Inches)
Chest: 47.5  
Left Arm: 16.5  
Right Arm: 17  
Waist: 43.5 
Hips: 55.25
Left Thigh: 28.5 
Right Thigh: 29.5
TOTAL: 235.75. (-11.75 in)


If you have any questions about 9 Week Control Freak or any Beachbody program/supplement, feel free to reach out. I'd love to chat with you about it! My team is constantly adding new members and we would love for you to join us. The results are so worth the work and the support from all of these amazing ladies keep me going. 

While the numbers are awesome and I feel so proud of myself for this so far, I also have to share the non-scale victories that I've accomplished because those are JUST AS IMPORTANT, if not more important to me on this journey to being healthier. This section is not program specific; it's just my accomplishments from July until now thanks to Beachbody workout and nutrition programs. 

Overall NSVs to date:
  • I am now comfortably under 300 pounds, which is something I have not been able to say in at least four, possibly five years. (Almost at my college weight again!)
  • Pant size went from 22/24 and now I am down to a 20 or 18 depending on the jeans.
  • Shirt size went from 3X to 1X. (Still prefer 2X because of the loose fit, but 1X accentuate my emerging curves!)
  • I stopped taking blood pressure medicine, quit wearing carpel tunnel brace at night.
  • I no longer have to be worried about not fitting on rides at Universal, fastening seat belts on airplanes, etc.
  • I've inspired other people who are working on their own journeys, which has allowed me to be able to share my struggles and triumphs with likeminded people.
  • Beachbody has brought new friends into my life that I didn't know I needed, but am so thankful for. 
  • I complete at least 30 minutes of physical activity five days per week, when in the past I never got up to do anything.
  • I've developed a healthier relationship with food and am able to treat myself without destroying myself in the process. 
Like Autumn constantly says throughout 9WCF,  "You can do hard things." It may not seem like it at times, but the hardest part is just deciding that something in your life needs to change. Each day is a new opportunity to change whatever aspect in life that is weighing you down. Don't cut yourself short by thinking that you can't. Get up and prove to YOURSELF (and yourself ONLY) that you CAN do whatever you think you CAN'T. 


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