
Showing posts from May, 2021

I Read a Self-Help Book and Now I'm Ready to Host My Own Talk Show

Life has a funny way of just smacking you in the face when you least expect it. Little things pile up, which turn into big things. Big things result into needing big feelings to get through them.  For me, and this shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, I don't deal well with stress. I mean really, who does? I just know that my brain is already all over the place enough. I don't need help when adding to the chaos that is my day to day, but life doesn't care if you're not ready for changes, stress, and worry. When the stress packs on, I try to grasp at anything that makes me feel more "in control" and let's be honest, it doesn't work. It makes things WORSE. As I get older, I realize I am a control freak of sorts and I definitely do not like anyone or anything controlling what I do.  There's just no way to control everything around you and this is a hard pill for me to swallow.  Lately, there have been many situations in my life that are just bey