
Showing posts from July, 2021

What I've Lost < What I've Gained

It's hard to believe a year has already passed. I am struggling with writing this because I thought I would be so much more excited about where I would be at the end of my first year, but it's not at all what I thought it would be like.  I know that this blog puts aspects of my life on display that wouldn't fit into a 280 character tweet or a minute long story on Instagram or Facebook. This one encompasses a lot of information because I made a commitment to myself that in starting this, I would be as transparent as possible in hopes that what I'm doing and going through may help someone else.  Last July when I made the choice to put myself first and focus on becoming a healthier version of me, I was focused on losing. I just wanted to lose weight. I wanted to stop taking medicines for medical issues that I could control. This is the focal point the reality in which I am living in.  Or at least it was. In 365 days, I have lost weight. I have lost inches off of my body. T