
Showing posts from July, 2022

Year 2 and What's New

2 YEARS 👉🏼 2020-2022 July 8th is my anniversary with myself. I saw my social media memories pop up that day and almost shared it, but decided that I’d wait until I had the time to really cover all of the information I wanted to about this. This now marks 2 YEARS that I’ve been working on myself: physically, mentally, and emotionally.   I made the decision to share this on social media as a piece of accountability and during that first year, it truly helped keep me motivated. Knowing that I have even one person watching me and keeping up with what I am attempting to accomplish was enough to keep me going. I worked out mostly at home using Beachbody, which I am forever grateful for, with the occasional appearance in the gym, until I stepped away from that “for good” for personal reasons. I was learning to make more positive healthy food choices and slowly started dropping old habits. I focused heavily on the scale and. inches lost, utilizing my scale as a tool and positive experience.